Prague Champs

The biggest stage of czech esport. Two days filled with the best of what can czech League of Legends offer. Including a unique pregame show, amazing kinematic LED stage and fully intertwined online and offline world.

The biggest stage of czech esport

Fan experience as #1

A great challenge

Dragon soul, elder drake, nexus, baron nashor... Terms that we have encountered for the first time just before the event. Esport was an unread chapter for us. But it only motivated us to work harder to gain experience, knowleage and information not only abour League of Legends, but also about the giant comunity of players and fans that surrounds this magical world. 

Through countless hours of studiyng livestreams, personal experience at the Katowice tournament or many meetings with czech foremost experts in this game we have managed to break into the intricacies of this interesting game and using those prepare fan experience of the top level.

Wealthy side program, astonishing audiovisual show, efective team entrances. That all was tournament Prague Champs.

What experince did Prague Champs bring?